IQ TPM 4.0

The intelligent system for manufacturing support

What is IQ TPM 4.0

IQ TPM 4.0 is an Industry 4.0 solution for monitoring production and providing predictive analytics using machine learning. The intelligent system developed in collaboration between Marovt and Stroka Business Group combines software infrastructure and hardware, connected through the Internet of Things (IoT).

Key advantages of IQ TPM 4.0

Collecting the data from older model machinesSensors can be added to both new machines and old ones that are otherwise not suitable for digitalization and for sending the data for further analysis.

Two methods of data storage The IQ TPM 4.0 supports the so-called hybrid storage, which stores the data locally in your company’s network, or in the Azure cloud.

The CMMS system The CMMS system provides fixed asset management, its monitoring and basic analytics.


Analysis and graphic data display The system is tightly connected with Microsoft Power BI, which presents the data in a user friendly and attractive format, with support for sharing.

Access anywhere and anytime The system is also supported on tablets and mobile devices.

Adapting to business needsWe are well aware that every factory is an “ecosystem” of its own, and have built the IQ TPM 4.0 system so that it can fully adapt to your business.

Digital transformation has a major impact on communication and the way work in manufacturing is managed. In order to utilize its power, we designed an advanced solution that supports electronic collection, processing, utilization and analysis of the data obtained directly from machines.

Integration of advanced technologies

  • Integration with other corporate systemsusing an application programming interface (API)

  • Connection with mixed reality devicessuch as the revolutionary Microsoft HoloLens headset

  • Artificial intelligence and predictive analyticsfor reducing costs and increasing productivity

Utilising Azure Cloud Services

  • Azure IoT HUBauthenticating devices and routing the data for further processing

  • Azure Event HUBrouting the data between the IoT HUB and the KustoDb database

  • Azure BLOB Storagelong-term, cost-efficient data storage

  • Azure Data Explorercollecting and storing data from different sources

  • Azure Machine Learningsetting up the model for machine learning and the online service to utilize it

  • Azure SQL Server & Databasepreparing the final version of the data, delivered to various devices

This project is partly financed by the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The public tender for selecting the operations is held in the scope of the “Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy in the period 2014 – 2020”.